Año/Year: 2007
Website: http://www.myspace.com/seeyounexttuesday
Pais/Country: Bay City / Frankenmuth / Lansing, Michigan, USA
1. Baby, You Make Me Wish I Had Three Hands
2. Good Christians Don't Get Jiggy with It Till After Marriage
3. Honey, I've Never Had Sex That Wasn't Awkward
4. Before I Die, I'm Gonna Fuck Me a Fish
5. Here, Take This Pill
6. How to Survive a Vicious Cock Fight
7. Paraphilia
8. Just out of Curiousity, Are Your Parents Siblings?
9. 8 Dead, 9 If You Count the Fetus
10. Man Dude vs. Dude-Brah (Where's the Party At?)
11. Let's Go Halvsies on a Bastard
12. A Portable Death Ray and a Sterile Claw Hammer
13. Pogonotrophy, Pt. 1: The Hunter
14. Pogonotrophy, Pt. 2: The Parasite